Welcome to Junk Store Cameras!

Because Focus is Overrated


I refer to them as Junk Store Cameras.

Some are toy cameras. Some are plastic cameras. Some are metal. Some aren’t even cameras. I find them at junk stores and camera shows … folks give them to me. My place is the land of misfit photographica.

This Junk Store Cameras web site has been a true labor of love. What once appeared to me to be a major headache – the recycling of my old web site – became quite the opposite. I’ve been going through old negatives, playing with old and new [old] cameras, doing lots of FUN darkroom work, scanning my ass off, and just generally feeling reinvigorated! Paging through the old site, getting rid of things that shouldn’t be there anymore, keeping things that shouldn’t be there any more, updating and rearranging. I’m coming out the other side of a long, dark, dusty tunnel. No longer feeling overwhelmed, I’m feeling more like I have a treasure trove of wonderful crap to share! So let’s get going because, we all know, it’s not the photographer. It’s the camera.
JSC: Rising like a Phoenix? Or melting like the wicked witch of the west? I’d like to think the former. In either case, meh … whatever. It sure has been a fun ride.

I invite you to visit my blog of many things. 

Sometimes there’s something ok there..

Feel free to contact me: junkstorecameras@gmail.com



Camera Reviews

So many cameras...


Latest thoughts...

Glad you can join me here!

The Great Pintoid Adventure

The Great Pintoid…

I jam the Pintoid camera into the sand. Bracing the…



I was 16, hoping to become a photographer. I had…

The Wayback Machine

The Wayback Machine

Happy New Year 2023! It was in the 1990s that…

Those who decide to leave and those who just … leave.

Those who decide…

This year I’ve continued the daunting task of creating world…

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